Board Meeting

1. Call to Order
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

2. Roll Call
Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Treasurer/CFO


In Attendance:    Mrs. Tara Dyer, Mrs. Shelly Ehret, Mrs. Debbie Good, Dr. Bob Haas, Mr. Mick Landon, Mr. Jim McFarland, Mr. Ted McKinniss, Mr. Eric Park, Mr.                            Michael Patterson, Mrs.Pam Pinney, Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Mr. Gary Sims.

Absent:                Mr. Keith Rogers

Result: Approved

3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

4. Public Participation/Introduction of Guests and Their Comments


In attendance:  Dr. Charles Speelman, Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Mrs. Sherrie Dunn, Mr. Josh Ebert, Mr. Aaron Stewart, Ms. Marcie Whited. Niki Branam, Cafeteria Manager and Rhonda Irey, EMIS Coordinator.  Mrs. Jennifer Miller, parent.

5. Motion to Amend Agenda (if needed)

6. General Discussion of Agenda, Addendum and Other Items
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removed from the Consent Agenda. The Treasurer and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mick Landon, Member

Seconded: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

7. Minutes

Minutes of the November 15, 2023 regular board meeting.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Mick Landon, Member

Seconded: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

8. Treasurer's Business and Report
Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Treasurer/CFO

Financial Report

Paid Bills

8.1 Invoices to be Paid

Recommend approving to pay the following invoices:

ATI     S-C001044623    $5,281.25

ATI     S-C001044624    $5,548.00

Capital Choice Office Furniture    10269    $3,699.80

8.2 Discussion

9. Report
  • Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Treasurer/CFO
  • Mr. Aaron Stewart, Director of Adult Education


Mrs. Tammi Cowell recognized Mrs. Rhonda Irey, EMIS Coordinator and Mrs. Niki Branam, Cafeteria Manager for their contributions to the Annual Cafeteria Audit. Mrs. Irey is responsible for the accountability of the data and coordinates the free and reduced lunch program.


Mr. Aaron Stewart gave an update on Adult Education. This includes it equipment upgrades, new point of sale system, online application, new curriculum, additional staffing, upcoming classes and cohorts.

10. Superintendent's Report and Recommendation
Dr. Charles Speelman, Superintendent

Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removal from the Consent Agenda. The Superintendent and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Jim McFarland, Member

Seconded: Mick Landon, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

10.1 Employment
  • Recommend Paula Brazell for a continuing employment contract, effective with the 2024-2025 school year. Paula has met the requirements of the TREA Agreement and Ohio Revised Code.
  • Recommend employing Brad Harvey as Facilities Coordinator January 2 - June 30, 2024, 10 hours per week, at a salary of $12,649. An additional 10 days may be paid weekly if requested by the Superintendent at Brad's hourly rate, these hours are to be time sheeted.
  • Recommend employing the following individuals to proctor the Certified Phlebotomy Test for our Health Careers Academy students on December 18, 2023 at a rate of $25.00 per hour:

            Cynda Brause    Tess Howard    Laurie Wise

  • Recommend employing Katie Combs for CEI Aquaponics care when school isn't in session during the 2023-2024 school year. The rate of pay is current hourly minimum wage.
  • Recommend employing Shaylah Grim to care for the animals in Veterinary Science during weekends and when school isn't in session during the 2023-2024 school year. The rate of pay is current hourly minimum wage.

10.2 Resignation

Recommend accepting the letter of resignation from Brad Harvey as Facilities Coordinator, effective 12/31/2023. This resignation is contingent on approval of him being hired under the new Facilities Coordinator contract.


10.3 Additional Pay
  • Recommend approving Jennie Rinnert for participation at the Open House on November 16, 2023, to be paid at her hourly rate.
  • Recommend approving Sheila Hamm to be paid for additional hours worked in the cafeteria, $25.00 per hour, retroactive to December 11, 2023.
  • Recommend approving Becky Diamond to be paid for up to 16 hours at her hourly rate to help with Accounts Payable, retroactive to November 1, 2023.
  • Recommend approving up to 7 hours additional be paid to Angela Branam for added responsibilities in the cafeteria, retroactive to December 1, 2023.
  • Recommend approving 5.25 additional hours per week to Linda Blue for Driving Simulator supervision for the 2023-2024 school year.


10.4 Days without Pay

Recommend days without pay for Chris Pemberton - March 18 - 22, 2024.

10.5 Facilities Rental Fee Waiver

Recommend waiving the facility rental fee for Marion County Farm Bureau to use the MPR to hold their annual Farmers Care Breakfast on March 23, 2024, with setup on March 22, 2024.

Recommend waiving the facility rental fee for Marion Baseball/Softball Association to use the MPR for meetings on February 7, 21 and 28, 2024.


Result: Approved

10.6 Participation Agreement

Recommend approving the Participation Agreement with Marion Public Health.

10.7 School Nutrition Civil Rights Process

Recommend approving the School Nutrition Civil Rights Process for Tri-Rivers Career Center.

10.8 Copier Purchase

To approve the copier purchase for Adult Education.

10.9 OSBA Annual Membership

Recommendation to approve membership with the Ohio School Boards Association for January - December 2024.

10.10 Resolution to Participate in the Ohio School Board's Association Legal Assistance Fund

Recommendation to approve the following resolution:

                       OSBA Legal Assistance Fund

Whereas, the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School Board of Education wishes to support the efforts of other boards of education to obtain favorable judicial decisions and,

Whereas, the Ohio School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund has been established for this purpose,

Therefore, the Board hereby resolves to participate in the OSBA LAF for calendar year 2024 and authorizes the treasurer to pay the LAF $250.00.

10.11 Job Description

Recommend approving the revised job description for Facilities Coordinator.

10.12 Donation

Recommend accepting a donation of painting supplies and other miscellaneous items from Rural King in the amount of $2,500.00.

11. Nominate President Pro Tem

The Board must select a President Pro Tem at this meeting to start the Organizational Meeting in January.

______________moved to nominate the following Board member(s) for President Pro Tem to start the Organizational Meeting in January.


________________________        _________________________

_______________seconded and closed the nomination(s).


Jim McFarland nominated Glenna Plotts for President Pro Tem.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Jim McFarland, Member

Seconded: Michael Patterson, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

12. Roll Call to Vote for President Pro Tem

_______________moved to appoint _______________as President Pro Tem to start the Organizational Meeting in January.

_______________seconded the motion for appointment.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Seconded: Mick Landon, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

13. Memorandum of Understanding with the TREA

Recommend approving the Memorandum of Understanding with the Tri-Rivers Education Association for compliance training incentive.


Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Seconded: Jim McFarland, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

14. Discussion

Set the date for the January Organizational and Regular Board of Education Meeting, prior to January 15th.

Increasing Core Credits for Level 1 Senior Only Programs from 6 to 10.


The January Organizational Meeting, Budget Hearing and Regular Board Meeting was set for January 10, 2024.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Shelly Ehret, Member

Seconded: Pam Pinney, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

15. Executive Session

WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:

1. In accordance with ORC 121.22G1 - The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.

2.  In accordance with ORC 121.22G2 - The purchase of property for public purposes, or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.

3.  In accordance with ORC 121.22G3 - Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.

4. In accordance with ORC 121.22G4 - Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation.

5.  In accordance with ORC 121.22G5 - Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.

6.  In accordance with ORC 121.22G6 - Details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School District Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) ______ as listed above.

 The Board entered into Executive Session at __________.


Entered into Executive Session at 8:17 p.m. for item(s) 1, as listed above.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mick Landon, Member

Seconded: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX  

16. Executive Session Concluded

Executive Session concluded at __________.


Executive Session Concluded at 8:55 p.m.

Result: Approved

17. Adjourn

Recommendation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting declared adjourned at _________p.m.

Next meeting is ______________.


The meeting declared adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

The next meeting is January 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr Bob Haas, Member

Seconded: Jim McFarland, Member

Tara Dyer, MemberX  
Shelly Ehret, MemberX  
Debbie Good, MemberX  
Dr Bob Haas, MemberX  
Mick Landon, MemberX  
Jim McFarland, MemberX  
Ted McKinniss, MemberX  
Eric Park, Vice PresidentX  
Michael Patterson, MemberX  
Pam Pinney, MemberX  
Glenna Plotts, PresidentX  
Keith Rogers, Member   
Gary Sims, MemberX