Meeting Details
January 15, 2025
6:30pm - 7:30pm
1 hr
Tri-Rivers Career Center
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
President Pro-Tem Eric Park will call for nominations for President.
____________ placed the name of ____________ in nomination.
____________ placed the name of ____________ in nomination.
____________ moved the nominations be closed.
____________ seconded the nominations be closed.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
____________ moved to elect ____________ President of the Tri-Rivers Board of Education.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
President will call for nominations for Vice President.
____________ placed the name of ____________ in nomination.
____________ placed the name of ____________ in nomination.
____________ moved the nominations be closed.
____________ seconded the nominations be closed.
Roll Call:
____ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
____________ moved to elect ____________ Vice President of the Tri-Rivers Board of Education.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
____ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
"This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Public participation is governed by Board bylaw 0169.1 - Public Participation at Board Meetings."
____________ moved to approve the following items:
Board Committees for 2025 will be as follows:
Strategic Planning
TDA Sponsor Oversight
Superintendent Advisory
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
____________ motioned to adjourn the Organizational Meeting.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
____ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
____________ moved to approve the motion to amend this agenda.
____________seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
Items 17-18.10 listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board voters on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removed from the Consent Agenda. The Superintendent, Treasurer and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda items.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
To approve paying the attached invoice from The University of Akron.
Substitutes for 2024-2025 school year
Additional Pay
Jennie Rinnert 6.75 hours at a rate of $75 per day to provide personal assistance to a student for the period including September 18 - November 6, 2024.
According to state law, boards of education must notify all administrators up for contract renewal that their contract is up for possible renewal, and they have the option to discuss their contract with the board.
To authorize and direct the Treasurer/CFO to notify the following administrator in writing that their contract expires on the date indicate and they may request a meeting with the Board of Education to discuss the Board's reasons for renewal or non-renewal of their contract.
To authorize Superintendent Charles A. Speelman to approve overnight and out of state field trips and overnight and out of state meetings or conferences pending board confirmation at its next regular or special meeting on behalf of this board effective January 1, 2025 through the 2026 Organizational Meeting.
To approve disposal of broken equipment through electronic recycling.
To approve waiving the room rental fee for Mid-Ohio Fine Arts Society to host their annual Art Show at Tri-Rivers on March 8, 2025 with exhibit judging on March 7, 2025.
____________ moved to approve the following/attached revised/updated/new policies as recommended by Neola and reviewed by the Audit/Finance/Policy Committe to be in compliance with statutory revisions.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
____________ moved to approve the Special Education Model Policies and Procedures Resolution.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
School Board Appreciation Month
____________ moved to enter into Executive Session.
____________ seconded the motion.
WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1.In accordance with ORC 121.22G1- The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensationof a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2.In accordance with ORC 121.22G2- The purchase of property for public purposes, or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3.In accordance with ORC 121.22G3- Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving thepublic body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4.In accordance with ORC 121.22G4- Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions withpublic employees concerning their compensation.
5.In accordance with ORC 121.22G5- Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.
6. In accordance with ORC 121.22G6- Details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School District Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) ______ as listed above.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
The Board entered into Executive Session at __________.
Executive Session concluded at __________.
____________ made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
____________ seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mrs. Plotts
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Park ___ Mr. Patterson
___ Mr. Sims
Meeting declared adjourned at __________.
Next Meeting is ____________.