Board Meeting

1. Call to Order
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

2. Roll Call
Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Treasurer/CFO

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

4. Public Participation/Introduction of Guests and Their Comments

"This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. Public participation is governed by Board bylaw 0169.1 - Public Participation at Board Meetings."

5. Motion to Amend Agenda (if needed)

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

6. General Discussion of Agenda, Addendum and Other Items
Mrs. Glenna Plotts, Board President

Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removed from the Consent Agenda. The Treasurer and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

7. Minutes

Minutes of the November 20, 2024 regular board meeting.

8. Treasurer's Business and Report
Mrs. Tammi Cowell, Treasurer/CFO

8.1 Financial Report

8.2 Paid Bills

8.3 Discussion

9. Report

10. Superintendent's Report and Recommendation
Dr. Charles Speelman, Superintendent

Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removal from the Consent Agenda. The Superintendent and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

10.1 Employment

Substitute for 2024-2025

Debra Coble, Cafeteria, $12.00 per hour

Adult Education

Robert Walker, Part-Time PSS/EMS Instructor at a rate of $24.87 per hour, for the for the 2024-2025 school year, effective 01/02/2025, on as needed, supervisor approved basis


CCP Classes for 1st Semester:

  • Nicole Panamarczuk, $250
  • Mark Robinson, $500
  • Kristi Schirtzinger, $250

Additional Pay

  • Lucas Bledsoe, 16 hours of Factory Five curriculum development at a rate of $25 per hour
  • Kristi Schirtzinger, 4 hours for ELA Boot Camp curriculum design at a rate of $25 per hour
  • Brandon Burk, up to 2 hours per week to co-plan MMR, at a rate of $25 per hour, beginning January 6, 2025
  • Lauren Casale, up to 2 hours per week to co-plan MMR, at a rate of $25 per hour, beginning January 6, 2025
  • Tim Scheid, up to 2 hours per week to co-plan MMR, at a rate of $25 per hour, beginning January 6, 2025
  • Chris Pemberton, 2 hours at her regular hourly rate for attendance at the Open House on November 21, 2024
  • John Kuzio, up to an additional 175 hours to be worked in the 2024-2025 school year
  • Eric Willey up to an additional 175 hours to be worked in the 2024-2025 school year
  • Adam Matthews, $75.00 per day plus retirement costs, to assist with a student for the 2024-2025 school year
  • Jackie Johnson, $75.00 per day to assist a student retroactive to September 3, 2024 through November 7, 2024

10.2 Resignation

To accept the resignation of Shea Miller as a substitute instructor, effective December 4, 2024.

10.3 Seniority List

To approve the Seniority List for the 2024-2025 school year.

10.4 Facilities Rental Fee Waiver

To approve waiving the rental fee and custodial fee for the NCOESC to hold their Sensory Santa at Tri-Rivers on December 15, 2024.

10.5 Out of State Conference
  • To approve Jeff Young to attend the Future of Education Technology Conference in Orlando, Florida, January 13 - 17, 2025.
  • To approve James Ruble to attend the Fabrication and Metals Industries' Leadership Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, February 25 - 27, 2025.

10.6 Items for Disposal

To approve the disposal of items that are obsolete or broken.

10.7 Clinical Site Agreement

To approve a Clinical Site Agreement with Capri Gardens for Health Careers Academy students.

10.8 Contract with Pleasant Local School District

To approve the Personal Assistance Contract with Pleasant Local School District.

10.9 OSBA Annual Membership

Recommendation to approve membership with the Ohio School Boards Association for January - December 2025.

10.10 Resolution to Participate in the Ohio School Board's Association Legal Assistance Fund

Recommendation to approve the following resolution:
OSBA Legal Assistance Fund
Whereas, the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School Board of Education wishes to support the efforts of other boards of education to obtain favorable judicial decisions and,
Whereas, the Ohio School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund has been established for this purpose,
Therefore, the Board hereby resolves to participate in the OSBA LAF for calendar year 2025 and authorizes the treasurer to pay the LAF $250.00.

10.11 Strategic Plan

To approve the Strategic Plan as presented.

11. Revised/Updated/New Board Policies

__________moved to approve the following/attached revised/updated/new polices as recommended by Neola and reviewed by the Audit/Finance/Policy Committee to be in compliance with statutory revisions.

 __________seconded the motion.
Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

12. Nominate President Pro Tem

The Board must select a President Pro Tem at this meeting to start the Organizational Meeting in January.
______________moved to nominate the following Board member(s) for President Pro Tem to start the Organizational Meeting in January.
________________________ _________________________
_______________seconded the nomination(s).

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

13. Closing of Nominations for President Pro Tem

__________moved to close the nomination for President Pro Tem.


__________seconded the motion.

14. Roll Call to Vote for President Pro Tem

_______________moved to appoint _______________as President Pro Tem to start the Organizational Meeting in January.
_______________seconded the motion for appointment.

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

15. Discussion


16. Executive Session

WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1. In accordance with ORC 121.22G1 - The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensationof a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2.In accordance with ORC 121.22G2 - The purchase of property for public purposes, or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3.In accordance with ORC 121.22G3 - Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving thepublic body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4.In accordance with ORC 121.22G4 - Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions withpublic employees concerning their compensation.
5. In accordance with ORC 121.22G5 - Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.
6. In accordance with ORC 121.22G6 - Details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School District Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) ______ as listed above.
The Board entered into Executive Session at __________.

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

17. Executive Session Concluded

Executive Session concluded at __________.

18. Adjourn

Roll Call:

___ Mrs. Dyer     ___ Mr. Landon          ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret    ___ Mr. McFarland     ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good    ___ Mr. McKinniss     ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas       ___ Mr. Patterson      ___ Mr. Park
                                                              ___ Mrs. Plotts

Meeting declared adjourned at _________p.m.
Next meeting is January 15, 2025.