Tri-Rivers Career Center
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- 6:30pm - 7:30pm
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removed from the Consent Agenda. The Treasurer and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
Minutes of the August 21, 2024 regular board meeting.
To approve the financial report for August 2024.
To approve the list of paid bills for August 2024.
The Board is asked to approve the annual appropriations as recommended and approved by the Treasurer based on input from the Directors and Superintendent.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School District, Marion, County, Ohio that to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures of said Board of Education, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the following sums be and the same are hereby set aside and appropriated at fund level for the several purposes for which expenditures are to be made during said fiscal year.
To approve the attached GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment).
Items listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion in the form listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board, staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and removal from the Consent Agenda. The Superintendent and administrative staff recommend approval of all Consent Agenda Items.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
Lisa Keirns, Cafeteria Cashier, 1 year contract retroactive to September 3, 2024, 5 days a week, Column 1, Step 7.
Harley Reynolds, Cafeteria Cashier, 1 year contract retroactive to September 3, 2024, 5 days a week, Column 1, Step 7.
Substitutes for 2024-2025
Shannel Bracy, Cafeteria and Administrative Assistant
Laurie Ann Cox, Veterinary Science Weekend/Holiday Assistant, for the 2024-2025 school year, hourly minimum wage rate for hours worked as needed.
Shaylah Grim, Veterinary Science Weekend/Holiday Assistant, for the 2024-2025 school year, hourly minimum wage rate for hours worked as needed.
Supplemental Contracts for 2024-2025
Roy Schweinfurth, LPDC Chairperson, $800
Jon Crothers, LPDC Secretary/Recorder, $600
Heather Jenkins, LPDC Member, $400
Chris Solis, LPDC Member, $400
Charles Speelman, LPDC Member, $400
Marcie Whited, LPDC Member, $400
Additional Pay
Sarah Nicewaner, up to 16 hours in addition to regular workday hours, at a rate of $25.00 per hour to allow Health Careers Academy students to complete 30 live, successful, independent venipunctures and 10 successful independent capillary sticks required to qualify them to take the phlebotomy national test.
Dawn Roberts, up to 16 hours in addition to regular workday hours, at a rate of $25.00 per hour to allow Health Careers Academy students to complete 30 live, successful, independent venipunctures and 10 successful independent capillary sticks required to qualify them to take the phlebotomy national test.
Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports Leadership
To approve paying the following staff members for their participation in PBIS Leadership, $25.00 per monthly meeting, not to exceed 10 meetings.
Carolee Balliett
Lucas Bledsoe
Paula Brazell
Jason Campbell
Lauren Casale
Amy Hansen
Heather Jenkins
Bethany Rice
Jodi Rogers
Becky Salyer
Sheri Wagner
David Willey
To accept the resignation from Richa Gattshall, Head Cook, effective September 26, 2024.
To accept the letter of retirement from Kelli Woycke, CEI Instructor, last working day May 23, 2025.
To approve 4 days, October 4, 7, 8 and 9, 2024, as dock days for Kelly Murphy.
To retroactively approve waiving the facility rental fee for Marion County Municipal Court/Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction to use our Auditorium for training on September 18, 2024.
To approve waiving the facility rental fee for Mid-Ohio Basketball Officials Association to use our MPR for meetings on October 28, November 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2024.
To approve waiving the facility rental fee for MCBDD to use our Auditorium on October 25, 2024, for a dance.
To approve waiving the facility rental fee for OhioHealth to use our Auditorium on November 7, 2024, for a meeting.
To approve waiving the facility rental fee Marion Community Foundation to use our Auditorium on November 7, 2024, for a meeting.
To approve employment of Krista Gerhart as a Community School Consultant, $50.00 per hour, not to exceed 30 days or 240 hours per year.
To approve the attached inventory items for disposal, through recycling if possible.
To accept a donation from Morrow County Antique Tractor and Equipment Association in the amount of $100.00 to be used by the FFA.
To accept a donation of hand tools from Alan Batteiger valued at $1,500, to be used by programs and maintenance.
To accept a donation of 20 cases (24 bottles each) of water from Peacock to be used for 8th Grade Tours.
To accept a donation from Wyandot for 2,200 individual sized bags of snacks to be used for 8th Grade Tours.
To approve the MOU with The Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Sarah Nicewaner, Van/Suburban Driver for the 2024-2025 school year.
To approve approximately 21 FFA students and 3 instructors to attend Fall Orientation Camp in Carrollton, Ohio, October 1 - 3, 2024.
To approve approximately 21 FFA students and 3 instructors to attend the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-25, 2024.
To approve approximately 14 FFA students and 2 instructors to attend the Ohio FFA State Convention in Columbus, Ohio, May 1-2, 2025.
To approve approximately 14 FFA/HOSA students and 3 instructors to attend the Officer Retreat in Logan, Ohio, May 27-29, 2025.
To approve an Agreement with Avita Health System to provide observation experience for Health Careers Academy students.
To approve the Advisory Committee Members for the 2024-2025 school year.
To allow Ken Stiverson to rent our smoker to be used at a Whirlpool event on September 24 - 26, 2024, $175 rental fee.
To allow DaySpring Wesleyan Church (Ken Stiverson) to use our smoker for their annual Thanks and Giving Community Outreach on November 28, 2024.
To support an additional twenty percent (20%) tuition reimbursement for course work taken in the 2024-2025 school year that leads to one of the following desired licenses and/or endorsements. It is understood that the additional reimbursement of twenty percent (20%) will be paid in a lump sum after attainment of a license in an area desired by the Board of Education. The areas currently desired are as follows:
1. Integrated Language Arts (15014)
2. Integrated Math (110994)
3. Integrated Science (132010)
4. Integrated Social Studies (150004)
5. Intervention Specialist
6. Transition to Work
7. Masters in Content Area
Note: Article 1600 – Tuition Reimbursement of the TREA Negotiated Agreement states as follows: 1604 – Reimbursement shall be at a rate of sixty-five percent (65%) of the tuition (costs and non-discretionary fees). An additional twenty percent (20%) of the tuition (costs and non-discretionary fees) will be paid in a lump sum after attainment of a license in an area desired by the Board. An annual list of desired licenses will be provided to the Association President by the Board. This request will comply and meet the requirements of this Article.
To approve Wes Gast to tour the Viega Manufacturing Plant in Wichita, Kansas October 28 - 30, 2024. Adult Education is preparing for customized training and will need to view facility and develop curriculum. All expenses will be reimbursed by Viega.
To approve Mike Hughes to tour the Viega Manufacturing Plant in Wichita, Kansas October 28 - 30, 2024. Adult Education is preparing for customized training and will need to view facility and develop curriculum. All expenses will be reimbursed by Viega.
To approve paying You Science for the Aptitude & Career Discovery Site Licenses.
__________moved to approve the following polices be updated to reflect staff member/title changes due to the change in Title IX Coordinator and the title Assistant Superintendent taking the place of Executive Director of Operations.
Policy 1422, 1623, 1662, 2260, 2266, 2266.01, 3122, 3123, 3362, 4122, 4123, 4362 and 5517
__________seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
__________moved to approve the Sponsor Organizational Chart for TDA (Treca Digital Academy).
__________seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
__________moved to approve the following Memorandums of Understanding with the Tri-Rivers Education Association.
Article 900 - Salary Procedure
Article 1200- Contracts and Certification/Licensure
__________seconded the motion.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1. In accordance with ORC 121.22G1 - The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensationof a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2.In accordance with ORC 121.22G2 - The purchase of property for public purposes, or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3.In accordance with ORC 121.22G3 - Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving thepublic body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4.In accordance with ORC 121.22G4 - Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions withpublic employees concerning their compensation.
5. In accordance with ORC 121.22G5 - Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes.
6. In accordance with ORC 121.22G6 - Details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Tri-Rivers Joint Vocational School District Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) ______ as listed above.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
The Board entered into Executive Session at __________.
Executive Session concluded at __________.
Roll Call:
___ Mrs. Dyer ___ Mr. Landon ___ Mrs. Pinney
___ Mrs. Ehret ___ Mr. McFarland ___ Mr. Rogers
___ Mrs. Good ___ Mr. McKinniss ___ Mr. Sims
___ Dr. Haas ___ Mr. Patterson ___ Mr. Park
___ Mrs. Plotts
Meeting declared adjourned at _________p.m.
Next meeting is October 16, 2024